
Mind mediation and lucid dreams techniques are the easiest and the most powerful therapy and personal development skills on Earth.


Like ability to write and read, they should be available to everyone.


My true mission is to make it happen. 

Interactive Lucid Dream

Duration 30 minutes

  • Short session in which you can see what your mind is trying to show you.
  • Helps gaining a new perspective on a complex problem.
  • Enables fast resolution in crisis situation.
  • Great aid to get clarity when you don’t even know where to start.
  • Tames overwhelm and stress quickly and effectively.

Therapeutic session

Duration 60 minutes

Mind mediation combined with an  interactive lucid dream

Gets to the root of the issue and resolves it.

Helps in:

  • physical or emotional pain,
  • allergy, intolerances, gastric issues,
  • skin issues (ACNE, psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
  • recuring infections
  • chronic and autoimmune issues,
  • phobias,
  • anxiety, depression,
  • other



4 weeks individual program

4 sessions in 4 weeks

Designed to resolve more complex issues like:

  • body weight management combined with oncreasing self esteem, self respect and self worth,
  • relationship issues,
  • financial issues,
  • PTSD and trauma resolution,
  • addictions,
  • other

12 weeks individual program

12 sessions in  24 weeks (max)

  • Advanced program delivers deep and complex transformation.
  • Resolve autosabotage and all blockages you may experiance in personal or professional life.
  • Tailored indyvidualy to suit your needs.

Group sessions and programs

  • Avaialable on demand for private groups and companies.
  • Duration depends on the topic.
  • Tailored to needs of the group.

Contact me on to discuss possibilities and prices.


Audio recordings in subsription

Ready to use high quality recordings.

  • Subsription payment plans.
  • Multiple topics.
  • Tutorials and support.

*some issues need individual sessions

Sanomentology training basics

4 workshops online.

Training includes:

  • communication with subconscious mind,
  • mind mediations technique,
  • dream scaping technique,
  • interactive lucid dream technique,
  • self – healing protocols.

Lots of practice.

Scripts included.

Group of max. 8 persons.

Sanomentology training - full

Currently 15 weeks training (one Zoom meeting per week).

  • Theory and practice.
  • PDF manual with all protocols.
  • Unlimited access to future trainings.
  • Unlimited updates to new protocols.
  • Access to Licensed Sanomentolgists group.
  • Free mutual sessions policy amongst the team members.
  • Feature on practitioners map.


My Process

1. Nam Aliquet Felis Turpis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquet felis turpis, vel interdum mi bibendum eu. Integer in purus in urna porta egestas sed quis justo. Suspendisse ornare at urna in lobortis.

2. Vivamus Mollis Luctus Felis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquet felis turpis, vel interdum mi bibendum eu. Integer in purus in urna porta egestas sed quis justo. Suspendisse ornare at urna in lobortis.

3. Quisque Molestie Interdum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquet felis turpis, vel interdum mi bibendum eu. Integer in purus in urna porta egestas sed quis justo. Suspendisse ornare at urna in lobortis.

Get Started

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi suscipit dui id magna.